This project involved the complete structural demolition of the former Harlyn Inn. Compliant licensed removal was undertaken by a sub-contractor, with all non-licensed ACMs being removed by DSW operatives.

The site is located adjacent to a popular beach and the access road was shared by residents of properties located to the rear of the carpark. Due to this traffic management requirements, plans and additional control measures were introduced, minimising disruption, whilst ensuring safe segregation between the site and neighbouring properties.

All designated roof areas were accessed via MEWPs / Telehandler and man basket to allow required coverings to be removed. As the various roof coverings included Asbestos containing tiles, the non-licenced removal works were also undertaken under a watching brief by the client’s ecologist.

Internal demolition soft-strip works were undertaken preparing for the full structural demolition of the two-storey building. A combination of mechanical and manual demolition was adopted during the project due to the close proximity of the west elevation of the property to the adject buildings.

Upon completion of the demolition, all associated floor slabs, foundations and required hard standing areas were removed.


Initial reports suggested the presence of bats within the man roof space of the former bar area.