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Asbestos Surveys in Cornwall & Devon

Ensuring your safety with professional asbestos surveying

DSW provide asbestos testing for both private and commercial clients throughout Cornwall and Devon. We offer two main types of professional testing and surveys. These are Asbestos Management Surveys and Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys.

In addition, we can also provide re-inspection surveys, which involve periodic inspections of buildings which are known to contain the toxic material. All inspections are performed by fully trained and qualified technicians.

We use local UKAS accredited laboratories and can provide results within 24 hours. Please get in touch.

Asbestos surveyors in Devon & Cornwall wetting-down asbestos sheets to prevent fibres going into the air- DSW Group Ltd

Why do I need asbestos testing?

A huge number of buildings built before the turn of the millennium contain ACMs. This is because ACMs were not completely outlawed for use in building materials in the UK until 1999. As a result, the presence of ACMs is rife within buildings in the UK.

If you are intending on refurbishing or demolishing a building, an ACM survey is essential to ensure that building and demolition contractors, as well as the occupants and the public, are safeguarded against the risk of exposure.

If you have known ACMs present in your building, regular inspections are vital to ensure the ACM has not deteriorated and is at risk of shedding toxic fibres into the atmosphere.

Asbestos surveys

Suspect your property contains asbestos?

Need advice about whether any ACMs in your property require removal or encapsulation?

Contact us today.

Asbestos Management Surveys

Asbestos Management Surveys will identify whether ACMs are present within your building. If ACMs are found, the survey will determine whether the ACM is at risk of disturbance from day to day activities, occupancy and building maintenance. If the condition of the ACM is stable, often it makes more sense to leave it where it is, as generally ACMs that are in good condition and out of reach pose little risk.

Following the survey, a risk assessment report will be produced alongside an Asbestos Management Plan. Our technicians will also provide professional advice about whether the ACM needs removing or requires regular re-inspection to monitor its condition.

For commercial properties, the party responsible for the building is legally required to follow the Asbestos Management Plan to remain in compliance with Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Asbestos Surveys can find ACMs on your property - DSW Group Ltd

Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys

Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys are essential if the building in question is going to be demolished or refurbished. The purpose of the survey is to ensure all ACMs are identified prior to any work being undertaken. If ACMs are found, then we can arrange for them to be removed before work commences.

Refurbishment and demolition surveys are invasive and may cause disturbance to ACMs within the property. As a result, the building will need to be vacated while the survey takes place. Re-entry into the building is only permitted once the property has been certified as ‘fit for reoccupation’.

The cost of asbestos removal depends on the size of the property and the amount of asbestos removal required - DSW Group Ltd

Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys

We provide Re-inspection Surveys to periodically assess the condition of known ACMs. Our qualified technicians will provide a thorough survey and determine whether the ACMs have deteriorated in any way.

If our technicians identify deterioration of ACMs that were once stable, we will advise on the best course of action to ensure your building is safe. Remedial action may include removal or encapsulation.

Asbestos Removal Operative working on an building in Cornwall - DSW Group Ltd

Contact us about our Asbestos Surveys services in Cornwall & Devon

We offer truly comprehensive Asbestos Surveys services throughout Cornwall, Devon and beyond. Please get in touch and one of the DSW team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tel: 01726 860093
Email: [email protected]